22 August 2017
Visit of District Governor

Graeme Archibald, the newly appointed Governor of District 1010, Scotland North, visited our meeting on 22nd August at the Royal George Hotel.   Representatives of the two other Perth Rotary Clubs joined us in order to meet our new Governor who was accompanied by his wife Carol.

Graeme is a member of the Rotary Club of Elgin, an accountant and was the Finace Director of Johnstons of Elgin.   He titled his talk "Making a Difference" during which he was both encouraging and inspiring.  He had good news to report concerning the fight against polio and reported that there had been one three month period early in 2017 without new notifications followed by another two month period from June this year.  











District Governor Graeme Archibald and wife Carol                President Colin's vote of thanks to Graeme


Perth Rotary President David Lindsay (right) is pictured with Gail MacKay, President of Perth St John's, President Colin Moreland of Perth Kinnoull and Governor Graeme Archibald.













President Colin with the Governor.

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