
Welcome to our Club

We are based in the ancient Scottish capital of Perth. History is perhaps neither our raison d'être nor strength but it does provide us with a sense of belonging. We feel that we are a part of Perth and we support many activities within the city and the local area. In true Scottish tradition, some of these activities embrace the world.

Weekly meetings

The Royal George Hotel, Tay Street, Perth.
Tuesdays 18.00 for 18.15pm
Hotel phone: 01738 624455 

Visiting Rotarians and others are always very welcome. If you are in town, do come along and enjoy our fellowship. The programme of forthcoming meetings can be viewed here.

We Are For Communities

Join leaders, exchange ideas, take action at home and overseas.


Current Activitity Reports


Talk by Erin Paterson

We had a superb talk by Erin Paterson at the club yesterday. Erin spent a year in Honduras teaching English to school kids and exploring the area using in part some RCPK funding. The talk highlighted both the differences and many similarities of life both locally and beyond. Erin impressed us all with her talk and there will be great things for her future as she studies Languages at Herriot Watt. The picture shows Erin with some of the club members.


Think you know Rotary? 

Want to find out more about Rotary or maybe join us? You can contact rotary via the link below or email us on pkinnoull.rotary@gmail.com. Note the image is courtesy of DC Thomsom


Young Artists Competition 2024 continued

We made the papers! Great report in the Perth Advertiser about the Young Artists Event in conjunction with the PAA and sponsored by DryAd Art.


Young Artists Competition 2024

On Thursday 28th Nowember, RCPK and the Perth Artists Association held their Young Artists Competition prize-giving at the City Contemporary Art gallery in Perth. Congratulations to:
S1 to S3
Runner up: Olivia Walker for Kettle
Winner: George Betshill for Evening Bottles
S4 to S6
Runner up: Beatrice Moss for Garden of earthly delights
Winner: Sophie Donald for Lustre and light
PAA Presidents Award
Winner: Niamh Campbell for Reflections of Isla.
Ian E Brown Award for most consistent overall School
Glenalmond College.
Well done to all the competitors. Hope to see you next year. Below are a couple of pictures of the night and the prize winners.

Talk by Len Poulin

RCPK was very lucky to have a talk from Rotarian Len Poulin who lives in Virginia, USA. Len is the President Elect of the Rotary E-Club for innovation. Len gave a very insightful talk on his life and the current state of Rotary both in the US and the UK. He gave a number of examples of where he had lived and continues to push the Rotary motto of "Service above Self" that were very inspirational and thought provoking. Below is a picture of Len and his wife Mary enjoying Scotland.

Rotary Young Leaders Awards and Explorer Scouts

On Tuesday 10th September we were very lucky to get a  great presentation by Rotary Young Leader Award winners and Explorer Scouts talking about the fun and learning they got on leadership activities they went on. These were sponsored by RCPK amongst others. It was great to see such a brilliant set of young leaders. If you are interested in next year's award then get in touch to find out more.

Below from lleft: Carl Peach (Explorer Scouts), President Iain Brown, RYLA winners Alexandra Smith and Mac Dailey, Chris Kirk (Rotarian), Henry Chalmer (Explorer Scout and Explorer Belt winner).

Pictures of Perth and Beyond

Rotary Club of Perth Kinnoull (RCPK) were lucky enough to get a visit from the team at Pictures of Perth and Beyond. This Facebook group which has been in existence since 2016 provides pictures for a calendar every year that RCPK are very happy to support. The new calendar will be out shortly. The money from the sale of the calendars supports charities across Perth (and beyond!)

The picture below shows the Pictures team including at the front Meesha (who originally set up the facebook group) together with Rotarians Brian Johnston and Eddie Anderson who work tirelessly to support the calendar on behalf of RCPK.

Golfers triumph over Perth Rotary Club

Recently a set of golfers from Rotary Club of Perth Kinnoull won the annual golf match between us and the Rotary Club of Perth. Below is the winning team with the trophy from the event at Blairgowrie. The competitors were blessed with good weather and enjoyed a meal and fellowship in the clubhouse after the game. 

The team consists of Ian Stevenson, Bob Riddell, Frank Muirden, President Iain Brown, Willie Monks, Bill Smith, Steve Bartlett and George Delgaty.

Talk by Andy Middlemiss (D-Day landings)

The 23rd July saw the Rotary Club of Perth Kinnoull treated to a very interesting talk on the D-Day landings by Andy Middlemiss. Andy is a former member of the Kings Own Scottish Borderers and also a guide for trips to D-Day and other war sites. He was able to bring the real human impact of the events on D-Day and beyond. Below is Andy with host Brian Raine being thanked by President Iain Brown.


Donation to Charlie Mailer (Wheelchair Basketball)

The Rotary Club of Perth Kinnoull was pleased to be able to donate to Charlie Mailer recently. Charlie suffers from Cerebral Palsy and has taken up the sport of wheelchair basketball showing a great deal of promise. He has risen through the ranks to now be part of the national structure. He is aiming to go on a training trip to Barcelona wwith the Scottish squad which the Rotary club were pleased to support. See here a picture of Charlie receiving his cheque from President Iain Brown.

Lost Communities of Ayrshire

We were very lucky to have a fascinating talk by Sam Purdie on lost mining communities of Ayrshire recently. Sam talked about how the villages arose and faded and some of the famous footballers that came from this unusual source under some very harsh conditions. The picture below is Sam being thanked by our President, Iain Brown.

Presidential handover 24/25

July is the start of the Rotary year and the point when our President Gillian Marsh hands over to the new President, Iain Brown and new Vice President Bob Gray. The handover event was graciously attended by Assistant District Governor (ADG) Deborah Rogers.

The event was also an opportunity for Gillian to perform her final duties as president and hand cheques on behalf of the Rotary Club of Perth Kinnoul to Barry Davidson from the YMCA and following our recent Valuation Day event, to Douglas Walker, CEO of the Black Watch Museum.  

(L/R Bob Gray (Vice President), Deborah Rogers (ADG), Ian Brown (President) and Gillian Marsh (outgoing President)

Gillian Marsh presents a cheque to Barry Davidson from the YMCA in Perth.

Gillian Marsh presents a cheque to Douglas Walker, CEO of the Black Watch Museum

Dementia Dogs 

A great talk was given by Fiona Corner from Dementia Dogs and Veryan Farr together with dog Roly on the impact that these dogs have to carers and sufferers of Dementia. Fiona also accepted a cheque on behalf of Dementia Dogs for £3000 from Rotary Club of Perth Kinnoull president Gillian Marsh as a donation to a very worthwhile cause.

 The picture shows (L/R) Veryan, Fiona and Gillian with young Roly just out of shot!

Perthshire Classic Car Tour

Below is Brian Johnston's excellent photo taken whilst passing through Glencoe in his Triumph Spitfire 1500 alongside George Delgaty from the club.This was on the recent Perthshire Classic Car Tour organised by Perth Rotary Club. Brian and George had £150 sponsorship from Perth Kinnoull Rotary Club and Murrayshall Golf Club Members, which should increase via Gift Aid. The photo was used by the BBC for its photo's of the week


Lend With Care 

President Gillian Marsh welcomed Bev McNab (Depute Head at Craigie Primary School) who gave a very interesting talk on the experiences in the school of the Lend With Care programme.


Young Photographer 2024 Winners

President Gillian Marsh welcomed the Young Photographers and their Families to our Annual Competition which had 120 Entries from a great number of Local School Pupils.

Perth Kinnoull Rotary Club Presidents Dinner 2024

From Left to Right. John McKelvie, Main Speaker,Rotary Vice President, Iain Brown, Rotary President, Gillian Marsh, Guest Speaker Bill Nicol, his Wife Trudi and Perth Rotary President Bill McDonald.


Perth Kinnoull Rotary Wheel at Glasgow Road, Perth

President Gillian Marsh popped up to give it the seal of approval of the revamped Rotary Wheel. Hopefully Residents nearby will see it and become interested in Rotary.

The Wheel as it looks Spring 2024 with the Purple for Polio Crocuses and Yellow for the Rotary International Wheel. We await the Golden Daffodils.

Weekly meetings

The Royal George Hotel, Tay Street, Perth.
Tuesdays 18.00 for 18.15pm
Hotel phone: 01738 624455 

Visiting Rotarians are always very welcome. If you are in town, do come along and enjoy our fellowship. The programme of forthcoming meetings can be viewed here.

Next Meeting Tues 18th February 6pm for 6.15pm. Dawna Ashby will talk about the Citizens Advice Bureau. Guests very welcome.

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