02 September 2017
Racerunner Presentation

Past President Steve Blackett is pictured with Jim Hunter(black shirt) who is the head coach at the Perth Strathtay Harriers during our presentation day on Saturday 2nd September.   The young athlete, Graeme Baxter in the orange shirt, is demonstrating a Racerunner bike similar to the one which is currently on order and due from Denmark soon.

You will remember that £3000 was allocated from 2017 Charity Lottery Calendar Funds during Steve's year as president towards the purchase and maintenance of a Racerunner such as the one shown in the photo.

As you will see in the photo a good number of Rotarians came along on the day and it wasn't long before they were given jobs as medal presenters.











Gavin Drysdale - World Record Holder

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Calum McKintosh - Dumfries

They come in all sizes.                                                             They come in all ages












Our turn next.




They could all make the podium - look at the smiles! 





Steve presents a medal to Ella Dixon from Perth.

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