13 January 2019
Churches Action for The Homeless

Graham Taylor, Head of Services for Churches Action for The Homeless (CATH) joined us for the evening with a view of a very current problem. Homelessness, often caused through relationship problems, has become an increasing worry for many local authorities. Currently, Perth has low homelessness and less people are seen to be sleeping rough.

CATH was created in 1991 to provide a local soup kitchen and support a range of people who are in need. There has been a large reliance on volunteers but a large number of workers promote the local policy of making sustainable accommodation available to anyone in the predicament.

Graham explained that CATH outreach teams carry out regular street walks, visit hostels and the day centre. They can check on people and provide necessary support.  Cath’s eight-bed accommodation unit on Shore Road gives people a flat for a short time while the charity’s day centre, offers low-cost meals, laundry and shower facilities as well as advice for those in need. Of course, none of this would be possible without the fund-raising efforts like the sleep out organised on Shore Road last November and the new shop opened in Perth.

Bruce Cameron added his own view in his vote of thanks to Graham who was warmly thanked for his enlightening talk on such a serious problem.

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