On Saturday, the Perth Kinnoull Rotary Club took over the Salvation Army Offices on South Street to host a drop-in event called ‘Know Your Blood Pressure’ to the Perth Public. The event was organised by Rotarian Brian Raine (pictured below) who had suffered a stroke a few years ago and was aware of the importance of the occasion. If your blood pressure is too high, it puts extra strain on your blood vessels, heart and other organs, such as the brain, kidneys and eyes.
The Know Your Blood Pressure campaign helps people to understand the link between high blood pressure and stroke, other stroke risk factors and what they can do to reduce their risk of having a stroke. Almost half of those people with high blood pressure are going about their daily lives without it being detected or treated.
Some ninety-two members of the public were checked out by the nursing staff followed by tea and biscuits and a time for a chat. Three people were advised to refer to their doctors for more detailed checks.
Club Members manned the offices for the event and were able to talk to people in the street. A blood pressure check takes only a moment and is such a simple way to reduce your risk of a stroke. Such an action day will certainly raise awareness of the problem and save lives.